CyclePacking is a solution for automating purchase and sale transactions, building a distribution channel for laundry detergent, softener, dishwashing liquid, and floor cleaner while reducing the amount of plastic packaging waste by changing shopping habits, reusing packaging, creating a revolution in sustainable consumption awareness, building civilized habits in supermarkets and residential areas with the aim of reducing plastic packaging waste by 90 million – reducing carbon emissions by 54 million kilograms by 2030.
In this project, we are fortunate to be accompanied by Unilever and being considered for funding by international organizations such as USAID, UNDP, etc., creating a revolution in sustainable consumption awareness, building progressive habits, no plastic waste, and environmental protection in residential communities to achieve the goal of implementing Unilever Vietnam’s commitment to increase the use of recycled plastic by 2025, reducing primary plastic by 50%.
Reduce 90 million of waste packages by 2030; Reduce emissions by 54 million tons of carbon
200 machines - 03 million liters - reduce 03 million waste packages
500 machines - 7.5 million liters - reduce 7.5 million waste packages
900 machines - 13.5 million liters - reduce 13.5 million waste packages
1,500 machines - 22.5 million liters - reduce 22.5 million waste packages
2,900 machines - 43.5 million liters - reduce 43.5 million waste packages
Training initiative bolsters skills for informal workers in HCM city
Training scheme offers practical support for green warriors
[Vietnam Investment Review] Honouring ‘Green Warriors’ on Vietnamese Women’s Day
VietCycle pioneers in environmental protection by reducing plastic waste.
We call on the community to join hands to take practical actions, for a sustainable Vietnam development, for a healthy and safe living environment for everyone