VietCycle is honored to become a member of NPAP’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Technical Group

VietCycle is honored to become a member of NPAP’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Technical Group

On December 15, Chairman of VietCycle Corporation – Mr. Hoang Duc Vuong attended the Working Group conference to implement the National Action Partnership Program on Plastics (NPAP) in Vietnam organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Vietnam, with the theme “Creating motivation to join hands to reduce plastic pollution”. Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Vo Tuan Nhan chaired the Conference, in addition to the participation of ministries, branches, businesses, associations and international organizations in Vietnam.

According to the assessment of Director of International Cooperation Department (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) Le Ngoc Tuan, 2023 is the year witnessing important milestones and results of the Vietnam NPAP Program through support proposals, policies, promoting innovation, investment opportunities, and opening up financial flows for practical solutions to solve the problem of plastic waste and plastic pollution in Vietnam. In particular, in the context that countries around the world are working towards a global agreement on plastic pollution, expected to be adopted in 2024, the Vietnam NPAP Program has actively coordinated with partners to build a close network of connections with ministries, branches, international organizations, domestic and foreign businesses, non-governmental organizations, and research institutes through consultation workshops and side events at intergovernmental negotiations, demonstrate determination to manage and reduce plastic waste through a circular economy approach; effective efforts and innovations, with active coordination of all parties over the past time.

Director of International Cooperation Department (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) Le Ngoc Tuan spoke at the Conference

Within the framework of the Conference, the launching ceremony of the Technical Group on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion NPAP, co-chaired by the Canadian Embassy in Vietnam and the Institute of Strategy, Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE), was launched with representatives of VietCycle Corporation, Mr. Hoang Duc Vuong – Chairman of VietCycle is one of the members of the Group. Join the 16-member Technical Group, including policymakers, recycling collectors, impact investors, innovators and gender experts. The Technical Group’s operational objectives will focus on reducing plastic pollution and plastic waste through promoting gender-based interventions and inclusive issues, with careful consideration of the roles of women and men, and various social groups in supporting the collection, classification and recycling of plastic waste.

Mr. Hoang Duc Vuong, Chairman of VietCycle and delegates participating in the discussion at the Conference

Mr. Shawn Steil, Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam, also a member of the Board of Directors of NPAP Vietnam and Technical Team Leader on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, emphasized the urgent need to take action on plastic pollution. The goal of the establishment of the Technical Group on Gender Equality and Inclusive Development is to overcome inequality and disadvantage in the plastic value chain, supporting the achievement of an international consensus to end plastic pollution by 2040.

Mr. Shawn Steil, Canadian Ambassador to Vietnam, spoke at the Conference

Ms. Ramla Khalidi, Resident Representative of UNDP in Vietnam – the organization hosting NPAP Vietnam, affirmed the important role of women in collecting, classifying and recycling plastic waste. At the same time, closely coordinate with the Government and relevant partners to increase motivation for the NPAP Program to actively contribute to the national goal of reducing up to 75% of plastic waste entering the sea by 2030.

Ms. Ramla Khalidi, UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam spoke at the Conference

At the Conference, the question related to mobilizing resources for a common agenda to address plastic pollution in Vietnam created a lively discussion. Mr. Hoang Duc Vuong – Chairman of the Board of Directors of VietCycle Company and members of the Working Group all affirmed their strong commitment to continue implementing the key contents of the partner platform in 2024, including preparations for when a comprehensive Global Plastics Deal is adopted, developing viable and practical models for implementing an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy, and support for assessing the implementation of the National Action Plan to reduce marine plastic waste by 2025, and updated national guidelines on collecting, classifying and recycling plastic waste.

Mr. Hoang Duc Vuong, Chairman of VietCycle spoke during the discussion at the Conference

At the end of the Conference, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Vo Tuan Nhan commented that on the world level, NPAP has contributed its voice at the Plastics Summit and the Negotiation Conferences to build the Global Agreement on Plastics. The results achieved are based on the proactive and active implementation of activities by each member of the Working Group and Technical Groups, along with support and cooperation from international partner organizations.

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Vo Tuan Nhan spoke at the Conference

The year 2024 is in the context of global and domestic efforts to address plastic pollution, especially with the world expected to adopt the “Global Agreement on Plastic Pollution” by the end of 2024, as well as many of Vietnam’s policies on waste management and treatment, including plastic waste, will be officially implemented, the NPAP program plays an even more important role in mobilizing government agencies, international organizations, the business sector and even every citizen to join hands in implementing it.

Delegates took souvenir photos at the Conference

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VietCycle is honored to become a member of NPAP’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Technical Group

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We call on the community to join hands to take practical actions, for a sustainable Vietnam development, for a healthy and safe living environment for everyone